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Compare Home Loans & Save!

Are you looking to purchase or refinance?

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Tell us about your new home

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Is this an owner occupied or investment property?

What is the approximate value of the property you are looking to buy?


Where is this property located?

How much would you like to borrow?


When are you looking to buy?

Do you have a partner?

What is your employment status?

What is your partner's employment status?

What are your total available funds?


This includes savings, cash in term deposits, and shares.

What's your gross (i.e. pre-tax) annual income?


What's your partner's gross (i.e. pre-tax) annual income?


Do you have any existing non-mortgage debt?

This can include things like credit card debt, personal loans, and loans for vehicles.

How much are your monthly non mortgage debt repayments?


This can include things like credit card debt, personal loans, and loans for vehicles.

What is your credit card limit?


If you have multiple credit cards, use your combined limit across the various cards. If you have a spouse, make sure you include their card(s) limit too.

Does your partner have any existing non-mortgage debt?

This can include things like credit card debt, personal loans, and loans for vehicles.

How much are your partner's monthly non mortgage debt repayments?


This can include things like credit card debt, personal loans, and loans for vehicles.

What is your partner's credit card limit?


If you have multiple credit cards, use your combined limit across the various cards. If you have a spouse, make sure you include their card(s) limit too.

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Before we can provide your personalised borrowing power report, we'll need to grab few more details.


By clicking 'Get my deal', I have read and agree to the Terms of Use, the
Privacy Policy and the Collection Notice. I confirm that you may contact me about your services. Any results provided online are not financial advice or a suggestion that I should apply for credit. Credit is not provided by Alternative Media. Credit is provided by the financial provider with which you lodge an application with.

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Thanks for leaving those details - we may give you a quick ring to ask a few extra questions to provide you with other home loan options that may be relevant to you.

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Maximum Borrowing Capacity


77% of Aliquam vehicula diam congue ornare.

Loan Amount

Loan Amount


97% of Aliquam vehicula diam congue ornare.

Loan details

Your estimated monthly repayments
Your estimated interest rate

In partnership with DPN

*The information provided above is a rough guide and does not consider other factors such as your current interest rate, non mortgage debt or partner's financial situation. Please speak to an eChoice broker for further details.

  1. We compare and select the best home loan deals in your area.
  2. We get in touch with you to talk you through your options.
  3. Your broker negotiates an even better deal for you.
  4. You choose a personalised home loan offer at no cost to you.

These results are based on the information provided and do not constitute financial advice. This report acts as a guide in determining the interest rate available based on your search criteria and lender panel (powered by Finconnect (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 59 082 572 683 | ACL 390528). There may be other factors that you have not disclosed to us that may affect your results, including “Your Interest Rate”. These results do not constitute any individual product listing. These results may vary and may not be available from the lender who makes contact with you.

Terms & Conditions Apply: Home loan comparisons are powered by Direct Property Network | ABN 44 023 361 281 | Australian Credit License 383530. Alternative Media | ABN 17 149 089 716 will receive a fee for this referral. We endeavour to ensure the information and data published is current and accurate. You should confirm any information with the product or service provider. If you are unsure, we recommend you seek independent advice.

WARNING: Estimated interest rate is based on a loan of $150,000 for a term of 25 years. This rate applies only to the example or examples given. Different amounts and terms will result in different estimated rates. Costs such as redraw fees or early repayment fees, and cost savings such as fee waivers, are not included in the comparison rate but may influence the cost of the loan. Terms and conditions, fees and charges apply. Interest rates for existing borrowers may vary to the advertised rate on this website. Interest rate is correct as at last update.

Buying a home is often an exciting experience. But, if you don’t understand the process and the mortgage industry, then it can also be daunting and even a little scary. In order to help you avoid some common mistakes that first home buyers make, we’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions.

How much do I need for a deposit?

You’ll need a minimum deposit of 10 percent of the purchase price of a property to take out a home loan. But, it is more cost effective for you if you have a 20 percent deposit as this gives you more equity in your property and means less risk for your lender. This, in turn, can reduce the amount of interest that you’ll pay on your home loan.

Plus, if you only have a 10 percent deposit, you may find that you’ll be asked to pay Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI), which is costly and can add thousands to your home loan principle. This insurance covers the lender against financial loss should you default on your home loan payments.

What home loan types are available?

There are numerous types of home loans in the industry. The most common are as follows:

Principal and interest: This is where you pay a portion of your home loan principle and the interest that your loan incurs monthly.

Interest only: This is where you only pay the interest on your home loan per month. At the end of your home loan you’ll pay back the principal you borrowed.

Variable rate: A home loan that has a rate that fluctuates with the rise and fall of the official cash rate.

Fixed rate: A home loan that has a fixed rate for an agreed term of usually 1, 2, 3 or 5 years. After the term ends the rate of the loan will revert to a variable rate.

What is a base-rate home loan?

This is a no-frills variable home loan that will give you the lowest possible rate. But, this home loan typically comes with no features.

What type of home loan should I be looking for?

The right home loan for you is the home loan that meets your needs and requirements, which gives you flexibility and is affordable. To find the right home loan, consider what home loan features you’ll use and what type of home loan you want. Then compare these home loans for the best rate.

What type of home loan features are available?

Home loan features give you scmc_logo.png payment flexibility, but typically the interest rate on home loans with features are slightly higher. The most common features you’ll encounter are:

  • Extra repayments without incurring a penalty.
  • Offset accounts, where you can deposit all of your money into this account and the balance will then reduce your mortgage interest.
  • A redraw facility, where any extra money paid off your home loan can be used at a later date as a loan if you need it.
How much do I need for fees, charges and stamp duty?

All lenders charge different fees, so you’ll need to ask about these when you research home loans. Make sure you also ask about any other additional charges.

Stamp duty depends on the value of the property you’re buying and what state the property is situated in. To calculate your stamp duty use an online calculator.

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