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One of our Home Loan Specialists will be in touch shortly.

We negotiate with the banks you’ve heard of, and many you haven’t, to find you the most suitable loan, with rates you’ll love.

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What happens next?

  1. We’ll call you for a chat A Hihome loan specialist will call you very soon (usually within a few hours on workdays) to understand your requirements and get some more info. This will help us come back to you with the best options available.
  2. We help you pick a winner After our initial chat, we’ll go deeper and help find the one most suitable loan for you, with the features you want and need. We use technology to minimise manual work for you to provide any additional info.
  3. Sit back and relax We put together your application and maximise your chances of getting approved by ensuring the paperwork is all sorted and liaising with the banks directly. We work hard to help you get the loan

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Homeloans LTD
Putting together your home loan comparison
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