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Help Center (9am-5pm Mon-Fri) 1300 015 288

Thank you!

One of our Home Loan Specialists will be in touch shortly.

You want the loan application to be simple - we say YES. You don’t want to be constantly hassled by more and more questions – we say YES. You want 3 home loan options to choose from – we say YES. You want the best deals available to you – we say YES.

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What happens next?

  1. You’ll get a call from one of our Home Loan Specialists. They’ll start the process by listening! By clearly understanding what you want and what your particular requirements are, we can ask the right questions to get you the right answers.
  2. Of course you’ll have to provide some paperwork but we’ll let you know exactly what and exactly when.
  3. And once we know who you are and what you need, we’ll then make you an appointment with one of our Mortgage Brokers, who will provide an assessment and get stuck into finding you the right loans to choose from.
  4. Once you’ve chosen a loan, your Broker will take you through the next phase of loan application to settlement. We’ll do all the application work and submit. All you need to do is sign the application. We’ll keep you up to date and informed through the whole process.
Putting together your home loan comparison
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